SOUND wave

When matter vibrates or moves back and forth very quickly, sound is produced.
Example:  When you hit a drum,

parts of the drum will vibrate creating sound.

Volume is the loudness or the softness of a sound.
nExample:  The harder a drum is hit, the more the drum will vibrate .  The more an object vibrates, the louder the sound it makes.
Pitch is the highest or lowest sound an object makes.
Objects that vibrate slowly, make a low pitch. Example-drum.
nObjects that vibrate quickly, make a higher pitch. Example-recorder
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5 Tanggapan to “SOUND wave”

  1. febby valentcia Says:

    hmm… baru nge-post ya pak? sering2 ngepost ya pak biar sering baca+ak mw down load soal prediksi UN buat kakak-ku…
    trimakasih pak…

    it’s really useful for me…

  2. relita Says:

    soalnya mana pak ??

  3. Rizka N.S Says:

    mana soal nya?
    kan aku klik di prediksi pengayaan 2 trz yg keluar mlah soal yg dlu prnh buat ulngan …

  4. Hizroh R... Says:

    Anjing termasuk infrasound dan ultrasound. kemarin sudah sy cari…


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